My Columns
                    as written for AKC Gazette and Shiba E News

Education about the Shiba Inu breed is an important part of my dedication to promoting and protecting the breed in the US.  Below are some articles I and my guests columnist have written for various publications that might be of interest.

*Maintaining the Breed for Future Generations by Pat Doescher

*Building Bridges by Lynn Perkins

*The Line (Part #1) by Pat Doescher

*Training the Shiba by Mary Engstrom

*Changing Times by Pat Doescher

*The Line (Part #2) by Pat Doescher

*The Right Home by Pat Doescher

*At First Glance by Pat Doescher

*The Rescue Shiba by Debbie Wang

*Breeders Analogy by Pat Doescher

*Reflections on National 2007 by Pat Doescher

*Advancements in Reproduction by D.J.Wolover, BS and Dr. Jesse Sondel, DVM

*Persistent Pupillary Membranes by Pat Doescher

*Retained Deciduous Teeth in the Shiba Inu by Pat Doescher